- What do you believe strongly in that most people would disagree with?
- What does your closet look like?
- What are five uses for a stapler other than stapling paper?
- We require each person at the company to work reception for half a day every two months. Would you be OK with this?
- If you could start any business in the world right now what would it be?
- What about your education did you find to be complete garbage?
- What was the last book you read?
As you think about how you're going to interview staff for next summer consider adding some of these types of questions. Don't quit asking important job specific questions such as whether they have experience working with kids. Just consider adding a few questions that get at who the person really is inside. Let them tell you about their beliefs, values and passions. Added to traditional interview questions, these types of unique questions can give us valuable insight into potential staff members.